New Camera – Olympus eVolt e-620!


It wasn’t until 2020 I purchased a Digital SLR camera. I’ve had digital cameras before (Nikon Coolpix 950), but not an SLR. Single Reflex Lens cameras account for the majority of professional photography today. And since digital imaging technologies have strategically advanced immensely over the past 10 – 20 years. In my humble opinion OLYMPUS has OUTMATCHED the entry level DSLR market dollar for dollar. The features in the camera represent a perfect balance of professionality, but what’s even more important is the fact that their lenses are also very high quality!

The main upgrades include a 12 megapixel CMOS sensor. Apparently CCD sensors might get better color. But after filters are applied in photoshop, the difference is negligible.

Also, the e-620 has image stabilization! Unfortunately, since about a month after getting the camera, the image stabilization broke on the camera. So, I’ll have to purchase it again. However, even without the image stabilization this camera gets some pretty nice shots!

Evolt 500 Evolt 620